How to make a good policy?

by hany

I want to know how to make policies for the hospitals that fits standards of accreditation ?
Also I want to know how is the way to write a good policy and what is difference between policy and procedures included inside it.

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Comments on Hany Question
by: Majid Khan

Hi Hany,

you can simply make standards for your hospitals. you will be expert in your profession so get the closer look
"what will you need to upgrade your hospital"?
it is the main strategic question

Now you have various option

1. just get meeting of cross functional employees (manager) of your hospital included from all the department.
2.Get the Net search for quality for improvement
3.Get visit to the top class hospitals of Alexenderia and re-engineer your hospitals process.
4.You have to organize a simple complain system that everyone can do within short time that they face in your hospital.
5. Just use and see various videos of top hospitals of the world

Now after that get the data for your quality policy

1. List them
2. Sort them
3. Prioritize them
4.Compare with your financial and personnel capacity.
5. Select the most preferred
6. The options that are not being selected due to under capacity of hospital resources, get them as will implement soon or partial.

Write on another page with clear standard that who will do what.
it will lead you to make a best policy for your hospital.

Majid Khan

by: Musa

Excelling in a business is not an easy task and this website is doing a great job by helping many business entrepreneurs out there know tips and tricks to excel in their business. This post on making a good policy for a hospital was much informative.

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